Tag Archives: bay area video production company

Camera Formats

Here is a quick explanation of camera formats.  It may come in handing next time you're asked.

Ways to Use Webcast.

4 Ways Businesses Should Use Webcasting Businesses today face a growing number of challenges related to reducing costs and increasing market share while connecting a mobile and often decentralized workforce. From marketing and sales departments to human resources divisions, everyone is looking for a way to share content in a way that is cost effective…

What Makes Good Video

Here, a blog that gives great insight about what makes a a good video. By JODI HARRIS 23 Things to Consider When Creating Video Content [Examples] Editor’s note: A new version of this post is now availablebecause video is only growing as a critical tactic for content marketers. Video is a powerful storytelling medium: Not…

Happy Weekend

Sullivan Productions would like to wish everyone a happy and Safe weekend.