Tips for Getting Video Crew Through Security You’re in marketing and you’ve set an interview for 9AM with your very busy VP of sales. It’s 9AM and your film crew hasn’t arrived. That’s because they are downstairs still trying to get through security. It’s every video crew’s nightmare. This happens quite a lot in…
Using Live Video
Todays global businesses need to stay connected. Organizations are expanding with work forces that are more remote so staying communicated is more difficult. Corporations that use live video are revolutionizing their communication strategies. If you’re looking to expand your options for staying connected, here are some possibilities. Employee training – train new employees in several…
Audio Is Important
Sound is an element that is often ignored in video production and it's certainly just as important as good quality footage. Your audience may forgive a less than perfect image but they won't forgive bad sound. If you can't hear them then you won't know what they are talking about. During an interview most of…
Video Production Nomenclature
If you're thinking of creating a video for your company here is a website that has some of the video nomenclature you should be familiar with. Like Trump, we at Sullivan Productions know the best words. Let us use them to help with your next video.